Academic Coaching, Scholastic Tutoring – Rally Up!


Sometimes students with poor grades feel overwhelmed, frustrated, depressed, and wish they could avoid school altogether so as to escape feelings of failure.  It’s not unusual for students to fall behind because they were absent or didn’t understand key concepts when they were taught in class.  Often these students have tried their best, but they are stuck.  They are unable to keep up with their class because they need to catch up first.  They can’t catch up without help.  

Some students may require teaching approaches that vary from the traditional classroom instruction. Some students have learning differences which make it difficult to grasp the material to be learned unless it is presented in a specialized manner.  There are students who readily become distracted by the other students, missing the words of the teacher.  Often they are reluctant to ask questions, feeling sheepish about having been distracted.  Some students who are lost even after having paid close attention are embarrassed to ask for further explanation in front of their peers. 

Lear Educational Center is here to help!  We provide individualized academic coaching and scholastic tutoring to help students maximize their potential.  

At Lear Educational Center, the student’s background knowledge is assessed with prior achievement recognized, placing an encouraging emphasis on what the student already has accomplished toward advancing through the appropriate curriculum.  Material to be learned is presented using systematic, highly acclaimed, multi-sensory teaching methods to accommodate the needs of those with learning differences.  Appropriate learning skills are taught as well as strategies for effective studying.  

Self-confidence grows as knowledge gaps are filled in and foundational knowledge is reinforced.  As material is presented, the student’s level of comprehension is assessed and any necessary further explanations and corrections are provided immediately to ensure that the student fully understands and builds a knowledge base on correct information.

This individualized tutoring holds the student’s interest, encourages the student’s questions, and enhances recall skills as well as their ability to organize and express their thoughts. The student becomes eager to demonstrate their new learning, knowing that they will receive necessary corrections as well as the opportunity to express the corrected understand of the concept. The student learns that their initiative is valuable.  Their motivation to achieve grows even more. 

The student actively participates in his individualized educational program, achieving systematic, incremental goals to mastery and retention before moving on to a new concept.  This review and recall enhances the student’s sense of achievement as he recognizes his progress.  Intensive interaction and participation motivates him to maintain interest and to persevere. Building a solid foundation enhances the student’s self-esteem and self-confidence to learn the next level’s material.  

At Lear Educational Center we provide one-to-one academic coaching and individualized scholastic tutoring on all levels, primary through college, for most subjects and for most standardized tests.  We interface with schools, working with the curriculum appropriate for each student. We accommodate and compensate for learning differences, helping students meet IEP and remediation goals.  Our students are taught foundational skills and strategies so that they can better understand their current coursework and meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Lear Educational Center - providing tutoring services to students from Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and the Greater Lehigh Valley since 2000