Making the Most of the Rest of the School Year — Lear Educational Center

Even though a student’s grades so far this school year may be disappointing, there’s time for a turn-around.  Lear Educational Center is here to help students maximize their potential, to provide the needed tutoring and academic coaching to enable them to catch up, keep up, and move ahead.  

Sometimes students with poor grades feel overwhelmed, frustrated, depressed, and wish they could avoid school altogether to escape feelings of failure.  It is not unusual for students to fall behind because they were absent or did not understand key concepts when they were taught in class.  Often these students are trying their best, but they are stuck.  They are unable to keep up with their class because they need to catch up first.  They cannot catch up without help.  

The students may have completed their homework, doing it incorrectly, reinforcing mistakes, and not understanding why their answers were wrong.  They might have been reluctant to call attention to themselves by asking for repeat explanations.  They might have passed a unit quiz, but with a poor mark.  New teaching presented in class would have been built upon the foundational knowledge that these students lack, leaving the students even more lost.   

It is difficult to pay attention in class when a connection cannot be made between what has already been learned and what is being newly taught.  When the students are unable to follow the lesson, most often they do not know enough about the material to participate or to ask questions.  Mind wandering may occur or disruptive behavior may be brought on by frustration and boredom.  

At Lear Educational Center, our students actively participate throughout their one-to-one tutoring sessions.  Background knowledge is assessed with prior achievement recognized, placing an encouraging emphasis on what the student already has accomplished toward advancing through the appropriate curriculum. Self-confidence grows as knowledge gaps are filled in and foundational knowledge is reinforced.  As material is presented, the student’s level of comprehension is assessed and necessary further explanations and corrections are provided immediately to ensure that the student fully understands and builds a knowledge base on correct information.

This individualized participatory tutoring holds the student’s interest; encourages the student’s questions; enhances their recall skills, organization, and expression of thoughts. The student becomes eager to demonstrate their new learning, knowing that they will receive necessary corrections as well as the opportunity to express the corrected understand of the concept. The student learns that their initiative is valuable.  Their motivation to achieve grows even more.

At Lear Educational Center we provide supportive one-to-one, systematized, intensive, individualized academic tutoring on all levels, primary through college, for most subjects. 

We interface with schools, working with the curriculum appropriate for each student.  We specialize in teaching students with learning differences, helping them meet IEP and remediation goals. 

At Lear Educational Center we use programs that are widely acclaimed for their success in teaching students with learning differences. These programs include the Wilson Reading System®. Our math remediation is aligned with PA Common Core standards. 

In addition to curriculum content, we teach study skills and strategies so that our students can meet the classroom challenges of today and those of tomorrow.

At Lear Educational Center we also provide preparation for ACT, PSAT, SAT and other standardized tests. 

       Call us to schedule your free consultation!

Our tutoring services are available on campus, online, or at our facility.

Lear Educational Center - providing tutoring services to students from Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Greater Lehigh Valley, and Northwest New Jersey since 2000. Now providing services in Sarasota and Lee County, Florida.