Students with IEPs and Extended School Year Eligibility

If your student is currently with an Individual Education Plan (IEP), it is time to contact his teacher and others in the IEP team to ask about Extended School Year (ESY) tutoring.  Summertime tutoring may be necessary to help your child catch up, retain, and build upon present knowledge so that he is ready to return to school in the fall.  

During the summer vacation, most students forget about two months’ worth of what they learned during the school year. They also are likely to slide back on the self-discipline, learning skills, and effective study habits that they worked so hard to gain and maintain.

Students with learning differences are likely to experience even more summer learning loss, or regression, than other students. They most often require more time to catch up, to re-learn or recoup the knowledge and skills lost.  That extra recoupment time puts them further behind in their class curriculum. 

Students receiving special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), such as with an IEP, may be eligible for ESY services at no cost to the parents.  These services include summer tutoring, speech/language therapy, occupational therapy and more.  ESY services are not limited to summer vacation time, but it is during that long vacation that the students fall behind the most.   

The student’s need for ESY is determined by the IEP team which works with the student and parents at school.  

The IEP team will consider the degree to which the student will experience critical skills regression during the vacation time as well as the amount of time that will be required for recoupment of those skills. 

Also to be evaluated by the IEP team will be the student’s current progress toward his or her IEP goals and the effect that the summer break in education may have on achieving those goals. 

Regression in the critical skill of reading may cause a significant setback in all learning recoupment because reading is at the base of studying all subjects. Reading well increases the student’s self-sufficiency.   

The IDEA calls for the student to be educated in the least restrictive environment, which is ideally the general education classroom.  The IEP team will consider whether a summer learning regression may result in the student having to spend excessive time receiving intensive special instruction away from his classmates during the regular school year. 

At Lear Educational Center we provide academic coaching and scholastic tutoring designed to meet the individual needs of students. We accommodate and compensate for learning differences.  We interface with schools to help students meet IEP and remediation goals, the challenges of today and of tomorrow.  

At Lear Educational Center the student’s background knowledge is assessed with prior achievement recognized, placing an encouraging emphasis on what the student already has accomplished toward advancing through the appropriate curriculum. Self-confidence grows as knowledge gaps are filled in and foundational knowledge is reinforced.  As new material is presented, the student’s level of comprehension is assessed and necessary further explanations and corrections are provided immediately to ensure that the student fully understands and builds a knowledge base on correct information.

At Lear Educational Center, our One-to-One Academic Coaching and Scholastic Tutoring sessions engage the student's attention as he actively participates, reinforcing impulse control to resist distractions.

At Lear Educational Center we interface with schools, working with the curriculum appropriate for each student.  We specialize in teaching students with learning differences, helping them meet IEP and remediation goals, the challenges of today and of tomorrow. 

At Lear Educational Center we teach students with learning differences such as ADD/ADHD, Auditory Processing Disorder, Visual Processing Disorder, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Executive Function Disorder.  

At Lear Educational Center we provide academic coaching and scholastic tutoring to gifted and college level students as well.  

Call us today to schedule your free consultation!

Our tutoring services are available on campus, online, or at our facility.

Lear Educational Center - providing tutoring services to students from Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Greater Lehigh Valley, and Northwest New Jersey since 2000. Now also providing services in Sarasota and Lee County, Florida.